Workshop Proceedings Available
The proceedings for this year’s workshop are now available. Visit the Annual Maintenance Workshop for more details and to access the proceedings.
Photo Tips Informational Bulletin
Informational bulletin for taking more effective project photos for use in education and outreach efforts for the Program. Visit the Informational and Technical Bulletins for more information.
Historical Documents
To celebrate the Program’s 20th Anniversary, the Center has made available a few historical documents related to the Program’s founding. Documents include:
1997 Dirt and Gravel Roads Task Force Status Report
1997 Dirt and Gravel Roads Task Force Fact Sheet
1996 Dirt and Gravel Roads Task Force Fact Sheet
Original Trout Unlimited “Hotspot” Assessment Worksheet
Visit …
Newsletter: August 2017
The Center’s latest newsletter is now available and can be read here. Topics include:
Workgroup Update
Severe Storms
ESM Class at PSU
DCNR ESM Training
CIG Grant Submitted
Updated: Product Approval Instructions
Visit the Products page to download the updated Product and Process Approval Instructions.
DSA Informational Bulletin
Informational bulletin of the Center-developed Driving Surface Aggregate (DSA). Includes material specification, sampling and testing, preparation for placement, placement, compaction, maintenance, and other considerations. Visit the Informational and Technical Bulletins for more information.
Newsletter: June 2017
The Center’s latest newsletter is now available and can be read here. Topics include:
2016 Annual Report
Stream Trainings
DSA Testing
ESM Trainings
Dust Update
2016 Annual Summary Report
The 2016 annual report highlights projects, practices, and expenditures for 2016, and includes an insert highlighting the 20th anniversary of the Dirt and Gravel Road Program that was established in 1997. Visit the Program-Specific Resources’ Reference Material page to download the annual report.
Updated: Administrative Training Attendees
List of attendees from past trainings. The Administrative Training must be taken every 3 years by District Staff who administer the DGLVR Program. Download the updated list here.
2017-18 CD Allocations
The SCC approved Conservation District Allocations for both “Dirt and Gravel”, and “Low Volume” funding at their May meeting. You can view the updated allocations on the Conservation District Allocations page.
Research Update: Real-time Dust Monitoring
The latest research update pertaining to dust monitoring with a vehicle-mounted monitoring system. Visit the Current Research page for more information and to download the report.
DGLVR Materials Calculator
This Center has created a materials calculator to help you conveniently determine aggregate, stone, and fill estimates for project needs. Visit the DGLVR Materials Calculator page for more information and to use the calculator.
2017 Municipal Fact Sheet
The updated two page summary of DGLVR Program for municipalities and other eligible applicants. Visit the Program-Specific Resources’ Reference Material page to download the updated summary.
Newsletter: April 2017
The Center’s latest newsletter is now available and can be read here. Topics include:
Summary of Trainings
Manual Update
PSATS 2017
Research Symposium
Administrative Guidance Manual
The Administrative Manual for the Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Road Program was updated in 2017 and was approved by the State Conservation Commission on 4/11/2017. Download the pdf version here.
Newsletter: February 2017
The Center’s latest newsletter is now available and can be read here. Topics include:
Summary of Trainings
Manual Update
DSA Season Approaches
Research Symposium
Public Mapper Help Now Online
The comprehensive help guide for the Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies public Mapper reporting system is now available. Visit the Mapper Help page to get started.
Newsletter: December 2016
The Center’s latest newsletter is now available and can be read here. Topics include:
2017 ESMs Scheduled
CD Annual Reports
Education Update
January SCC/PACD
Federal DSA Project
2017 CDGRS Calendar
The 2017 CDGRS Calendar is now available. Download the calendar here.
Newsletter: October 2016
The Center’s latest newsletter is now available and can be read here. Topics include:
Bankfull Guidance
GIS Trainings
Forestry Demos
Urban LVRs