Armstrong County
Armstrong County enjoys approximately 500 miles of scenic dirt and gravel roads. The Dirt, Gravel & Low Volume Roads (DGLVR) Program has allowed local
municipalities to improve more than 200 worksites along these roadways. To date, the Armstrong Conservation District has assisted local road owning
entities in improving their unpaved roads by applying many environmentally sensitive maintenance (ESM) practices.
The DGLVR Program now permits these ESM practices to be installed on an additional 1,700 miles of paved or tar & chipped roads in the county. To
obtain additional information about the DGLVR Program, the municipality should contact the Armstrong DGLVR specialist listed below.
Program Contacts
Gregg Smith
DGLVR Specialist
Jennifer D. Jack
Resource Conservationist
Holly A. Laird
District Manager
District Links
District Resources
- QAB Policies (303 KB)
Directions to the District
124 Armsdale Road, Suite 1
Kittanning, PA 16201