Click the presentation title to watch the recorded training. All presentations are formatted as mp4 videos.
Available Courses
- Visit the Program Administrative Training webpages for information on available in-person training offerings and registration.
- Basic Admin Training Recording (388 MB): Full ~4- hour DGLVR Program basic administrative training. Watching this recorded training does not certify or recertify CD staff in Program Administration and is only provided for reference.
For QAB Members
- Quality Assurance Board (QAB) overview (98.5 MB) (~36 minutes) Intended audience: QAB Members (and CD staff). This presentation reviews the role of the county Quality Assurance Board (QAB) in local DGLVR Programs, including QAB composition, meeting guidelines, role in project ranking, and role in local policy. This is a great introduction for new QAB members as well as a useful refresher for experienced QAB members. Conservation district staff administering the DGLVR Program will also benefit from this QAB overview. (2/2023)
- Presentation: Adobe PDF (7.63 MB); MS Powerpoint (5.34 MB)
Grant Applications
- Filling out grant application paperwork (92.4 MB) (~43 minutes) Intended audience: Potential Applicants (and CD staff). This presentation walks through how to fill out the grant application paperwork. Guidance is also provided on eligibility, preparing to fill out the grant application, and what to do if you if you have questions. This presentation will be helpful for applicants as well as conservation district staff administering the DGLVR Program. (2/2023)
- Presentation: Adobe PDF (11.1 MB); MS Powerpoint (8.83 MB)
- Reviewing grant applications (98.5 MB) (~53 minutes) Intended audience: Conservation Districts. This presentation explains what conservation districts should do after DGLVR grant applications are received and before the QAB meeting where applications are ranked. Conservation district staff of varying experience levels will benefit from this presentation. (2/2023)
- Presentation: Adobe PDF (7.86 MB); MS Powerpoint (4.30 MB)
- Better Grant Applications (75.6 MB) (~47 minutes) This webinar discussed some common shortcomings of grant applications from applicants and considerations for improvement. (1/2023)
Education and Outreach
- Education and Outreach Ideas for CDs: (74.3 MB) (~44 minutes) With constant municipal turnover, education and outreach at the District level is a vital component of the Program. This webinar built on material presented at the 2024 workshop, and provided ideas, tips, and tricks learned from CDs. (1/2025)
- CD Education and Outreach Ideas: (45.3 MB) (~ 38 minutes) Education and outreach ideas and efforts for Conservation Districts to improve interactions with municipalities and other potential applicants. (1/2017)
- Taking Better Project Photos:(46.8 MB) (~ 35 minutes) Tips and tricks to take more effective photos of DGLVR (and other) field projects to make more effective education and presentation material. (4/2018)
- Tips For Keeping Up With Spending Requirements: (89.1 MB) (~1 hour, 2 minutes) Conservation districts are required to spend each annual allocation of DGR and LVR funds within 2 years to be eligible for future allocations. This webinar shared tips and tricks to help districts establish a local annual grant cycle to get ahead of these spending deadlines. (4/2024)
- Annual Summary Report Refresher and Budgeting DGLVR Funds: (55.9 MB) (~40 minutes) Annual Summary reports are due from Conservation Districts in the GIS system in January each year with the regular quarterly report. This webinar provided an overview of the annual report process for Districts. This webinar also provides guidance to conservation districts on how to budget DGLVR funds. Topics include: planning how to spend your annual allocation, determining how much funding you have available for projects, factors to consider when budgeting, how to use the DGLVR GIS mapper to identify available funds, and using the budget tool in the GIS mapper. (12/2024)
- PA Direct Deposit of CD Funding: (88.7 MB) (~1 hour, 8 minutes) The Commonwealth’s direct deposit of program funding has generated many questions and inquiries. The SCC and DEP have been working with the PA Vendor Data Management Unit (VDMU). For this webinar, the VDMU discussed the following topics: Classification of Vendor Numbers; Why Districts are limited to 1 bank account; PA Supplier Portal; Self Service Payment Lookup & E-Remittance. The VDMU also addressed many questions from the CDs. (4/2023)
GIS and Reporting
- Unpaved Road Assessment Course: Multi-part training with virtual examples of the assessment process in identifying pollution potential worksites on public unpaved roads. (2019)
- Analyzing GIS data for CDs: (101 MB) (~ 45 minutes) Overview of GIS Reporting tools and tips and hints with analyzing GIS data for CDs. (3/2019)
- Detailed GIS Data Analysis Demo in Excel: (134 MB) (~ 48 minutes) Expanded version on GIS data analysis focusing on sorts, summarizations, formulas, and graphs, and other functions in excel. (3/2019)
Other Topics
- Municipal Bidding: (66.3 MB) (~ 1 hour 8 minutes) This webinar reviewed various aspects of the municipal bidding process as it relates to municipal projects funded through the DGLVR Program. (4/2020)
- COSTARS and Purchasing: (178 MB) (~ 1 hour 19 minutes) COSTARS is a cooperative purchasing service for state affiliated entities. Felicia Campbell & Kim Bullivant from COSTARS, presented information on how COSTARS may apply to municipalities and CDs. (6/2020)
- Prevailing Wage: (~34 minutes) This webinar provided an overview of Prevailing Wage requirements for DGLVR Program with some updated examples. (1/2022)
- Prevailing Wage II: (344 MB) (~1 hour, 37 minutes) This webinar was the second part of an earlier PW webinar this spring, with this webinar involving invited speakers. Speakers from the U.S. Department of Labor and PA Department of Labor and Industry joined this webinar to discuss Prevailing Wage and answer questions related to the DGLVR Program. (4/2022)
- Leveraging Other Funding with DGLVR funds: (125 MB) (~55 minutes) With over $20 million going on the ground with DGLVR projects every year, there are numerous opportunities to use money spent on DGLVR projects as in-kind to obtain additional funding from a variety of sources. This webinar covered those opportunities. (3/2023)
- Working Outside the Right-of-Way: (114 MB) (~55 minutes) This webinar reviewed information related to working on private ground outside the road right-of-way. It included a refresher on Program policies and guidance, and an example project. (2/2025)