Project Work

Click the presentation title to watch the recorded training. All presentations are formatted as mp4 videos.

ESM Practices

  • Aggregates 101: (58.2 MB) (~42 minutes) An overview of aggregate specifications and common uses in the DGLVR Program. This webinar discussed both smaller aggregates, large rip-rap, and everything in-between. A great primer for new CD staff. (1/21/2021)
  • DSA Day: (233 MB) 2-hour expanded presentation on everything DSA. (2/2021)
  • ESM Practice Spotlight: Shallow Crosspipes: (137 MB) (~1 hour, 5 minutes) Based on recent QAQCs, the practice of “shallow crosspipes” is still underutilized around the state. This webinar reviewed the topic in detail, providing advantage and instruction for installation. (3/2023)
  • Road Fill: (196 MB) 2-hour course providing a detailed and expanded look at the use of road fill in the DGLVR program to fill entrenched roads and make base improvements. Also includes a walkthrough of the optional “request for quote” for potential use in road fill projects. (5/2021)
  • ESM Practice Spotlight: Sectional Fill: (95.7 MB) (~43 minutes) While the Program utilized road fill to correct drainage problems on entrenched roads, sometime a complete fill job is not possible. This webinar covered a “sectional fill” approach that can sometimes be used to raise certain sections of road and obtain drainage outlets. (3/2023)
  • Full Depth Reclamation: (126 MB) (~ 1 hour, 5 minutes) detailed look at Full Depth Reclamation within the DGLVR program, including applicable uses, limitations, and details about the practice. (2/2022)
  • Small Slide Repair: (101 MB) (~51 minutes) A popular session at the 2022 workshop, this webinar provided background and examples of potential fixes to SMALL landslide issues associated with road banks. (1/2023)
  • ESM Spotlight – Underdrain, Infiltration, and Storm Sewers: (161 MB) (~1 hour, 6 minutes) Building off a presentation done at the 2023 workshop, the Center has developed a new technical bulletin about the use of underdrain, infiltration, and storm sewer systems. This webinar reviewed the new technical bulletin which will be made available. (2/2024)
  • Streambank Stabilization: (229 MB) 2.5 hour course providing a detailed and expanded look at options for streambank stabilization techniques that may be applicable to DGLVR projects. (2/2021)
  • For stream crossing replacement information, see:

Tools for Project Design

Note that the General Resources webpage has additional resources for project design, such as technical bulletins, the ESM Field Guide, a materials calculator, and more.

  • Estimating Project Materials and Costs: (92.1 MB) (~55 minutes) This session was a primer and overview for CD technicians in estimating quantities and costs for projects (both stream crossing and standard projects). (2/2023)
  • Project Detail Sheets: (80.5 MB) (~ 45 minutes) Overview of “Standard Detail Sheets” for commonly used ESM practices such as underdrain, French mattress, road fill, etc. that are available for CD use. It also demonstrated the DGLVR Materials Calculator. (4/2020)
  • DGLVR Project Work Plan Application: (191 MB) (~57 minutes) Since debuting the idea at the 2022 workshop, we have been working with developers to create a “Project Sketch Application” in the DGLVR GIS system. The propose of this application is to allow CDs (and applicants and others) to create simple project layout maps to accompany grant applications for the DGLVR Program. This webinar served as a demonstration/mini-training on the sketcher, and CDs were provided access to the sketcher app immediately after the webinar. (6/2023)

Example Projects

  • Project Spotlight: Ridge Road, Cumberland County: (165 MB) (~51 minutes) Walkthrough of a large and comprehensive road and drainage improvement project, years in the making, between the borough of Mt. Holly Springs, DCNR Forestry, and the Cumberland County DGLVR Program. (12/2024)
  • 2023 QAQC Project Showcase: (88.8 MB) (~45 minutes) SCC staff highlighted and walked through highly effective or innovative DGLVR projects that were visited as part of recent Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QAQC) visits with Conservation Districts. (1/2024)
  • Project Sharing Session Recap: (185 MB) (~ 1 hour, 6 minutes) An overview of projects presented by Conservation Districts at the spring 2019 Project Sharing Sessions around the state. (4/2019)
  • Project Sharing Session Highlights: (201 MB) (~ 1 hour, 12 minutes) An overview of the four regional sessions where CDs shared pictures and stories about recently completed projects. (3/2018)