This three day training event is held largely in the field to provide basic knowledge in Environmentally Sensitive Road Maintenance.  Activities include project plan development, stream crossing discussions, basics of surveying and construction, and a complete installation of a shallow crosspipe.  This training is intended to “jump start” technicians who are new to the Program and to development and oversight of field projects.

Who Should Attend

Designed for Conservation Districts staff administering the field portion of the DGLVR Program.  Preference given to relatively new hires (<2 years), but others are welcome if there is enough space.  Strict limit of 20 per session to insure adequate discussion.  CD employees only at this time due to size limitations.

When and Where

All 2024 trainings will be held in the Centre County area.

  • September 3 – 5
  • September 17 – 19


  • Day 1
    • 10am-noon: Class: Class sessions on municipal basics, project basics, stationing, etc.
    • 1pm-5pm: Field Session: diagnostic focus
  • Day 2
    • 8am-10am: Class: diagnostic work time, overview of pipe installation
    • 10am-5pm: Field: pipe installation focus
  • Day 3
    • 8am-3pm: Field: DSA placement, stream crossings, and loose ends from previous day

Safety Equipment Required: Hard Hat, steel toed boots, work gloves, safety vests (we will have some), eye protection and work attire for all types of weather.

Travel will be provided to and from the sites in 15 passenger vans. Please let us know if you require assistance on-site.


These classes are free to Conservation Districts staff, although registration is required to make sure we have adequate space and lunches. If you have any questions, please email Amy Pifer and Mindi Suhy at for registration assistance.