Located here are all of the past webinars along with links to their respective presentations (if applicable). Note that the webinar times given represent the presentation and any questions/discussion. Also note that information from earlier webinars may have been superseded in a later webinar.
March 6: DGLVR Annual Summary Report Overview and Funding Update
- This webinar summarized the 2024 Annual Reports from CDs using the GIS system and also provided any applicable updates on Program funding. It also included a brief demonstration of how to export data from the GIS and summarize it in Excel.
- Webinar Download (37.5 MB): MP4 format (~17 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.92 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (2 MB)
February 27: Working Outside the Right-of-Way
- This webinar reviewed information related to working on private ground outside the road right-of-way. It included a refresher on Program policies and guidance, as an example project.
- Webinar Download (114 MB): MP4 format (~55 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (6.6 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (7.55 MB)
February 20: NEW Infiltration Practices for ESM Training
- The Center has been working on updates to the two-day ESM training this winter. One of the changes is the expansion of some of the more “structural infiltration” practices presented in the training (rain gardens, basins, infiltration trenches, etc.). This webinar presented a “semi-final” draft of this new training module for feedback for inclusion in 2025 ESM trainings.
- Webinar Download (93.8 MB): MP4 format (~49 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (17 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (14.8 MB)
February 13: DGLVR Program Update
- This webinar covered some a review of upcoming trainings with explanations of some new opportunities; an update on 2025 QAQCs; and an update on the potential for a Program funding increase.
- Webinar Download (66.4 MB): MP4 format (~45 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.41 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5.11 MB)
February 6: Stream Crossing Replacement Site Prioritization
- This webinar focused on site characteristics and various metrics that can be utilized to identify high priority stream crossing replacement sites. Districts can use this to steer municipalities into applying for these sites and consider incorporating these metrics into the local ranking criteria. Includes discussion of various existing tools that can be used to identify high priority sites as well as leveraging other funding sources.
- Webinar Download (94 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.74 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.94 MB)
January 30: Trout Unlimited Update
- For the past decade, the Program and Center have partnered with TU to provide additional technical assistance to CDs through the DGLVR Program related to stream crossings and streambank stabilization projects. This webinar showcased some of the recent DGLVR projects that TU has been involved with and highlighted this partnership.
- Webinar Download (76.7 MB): MP4 format (~38 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.46 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (11.6 MB)
January 16: Education and Outreach Ideas for CDs
- With constant municipal turnover, education and outreach at the District level is a vital component of the Program. This webinar built on material presented at the 2024 workshop, and provided ideas, tips, and tricks learned from CDs.
- Webinar Download (74.3 MB): MP4 format (~44 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.09 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (7.85 MB)
January 9: Project Spotlight: Stream Crossings to Standard
- A walkthrough of some of the first few stream crossing installations completed under the DGLVR standard in 2024.
- Webinar Download (103 MB): MP4 format (~55 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (11.4 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (21.1 MB)
December 19: Annual Summary Report Refresher and Budgeting DGLVR Funds
- Annual Summary reports are due from Conservation Districts in the GIS systemin January of 2025 with the regular quarterly report. This webinar provided an overview of the annual report process for Districts. This webinar also provide guidance to conservation districts on how to budget DGLVR funds. Topics include: planning how to spend your annual allocation, determining how much funding you have available for projects, factors to consider when budgeting, how to use the DGLVR GIS mapper to identify available funds, and using the budget tool in the GIS mapper.
- Webinar Download (55.9 MB): MP4 format (~40 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.21 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.54 MB)
December 12: Project Spotlight: Ridge Road, Cumberland County
- Walkthrough of a large and comprehensive road and drainage improvement project, years in the making, between the borough of Mt. Holly Springs, DCNR Forestry, and the Cumberland County DGLVR Program.
- Webinar Download (165 MB): MP4 format (~51 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (26.2 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (28.9 MB)
December 5: DGLVR Program Update
- Justin Challenger officially took over as DGLVR and ACAP program manager for the SCC in October. This webinar let Justin share some of his initial DGLVR thoughts and plans, including topics from the “fireside chat” at the workshop, and a recap from the recent DGLVR Advisory Workgroup meeting.
- Webinar Download (59.1 MB): MP4 format (~41 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (781 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.98 MB)
April 25: Tips For Keeping Up With Spending Requirements
- Conservation districts are required to spend each annual allocation of DGR and LVR funds within 2 years to be eligible for future allocations. This webinar shared tips and tricks to help districts establish a local annual grant cycle to get ahead of these spending deadlines.
- Webinar Download (89.1 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 2 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.74 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.91 MB)
April 11: QAQC Round 4 Summary and Updates
- Each conservation district administering the DGLVR Program receives a Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QAQC) visit once every three years. These visits are to ensure that funds are spent appropriately, and the Program is being administered correctly, as well as to provide an educational opportunity. This webinar reviewed the overall results and themes from the 4th round of QAQCs recently completed in 2023, as well as discussed changes to the QAQC process for 2024.
- Webinar Download (85.1 MB): MP4 format (~57 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.91 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (8.27 MB)
March 21: DSA Season Primer
- With DSA season officially opening in just a few weeks, this webinar provided a refresher on DSA testing, purchasing, and placement.
- Webinar Download (95.9 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 5 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (6.53 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.45 MB)
March 7: DGLVR Annual Summary Report Overview
- A “big-picture” review of spending and project data from the 2023 Annual Summary Report based on CD GIS data.
- Webinar Download (40.9 MB): MP4 format (~27 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.07 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.52 MB)
February 29: New Hire Guide for CD DGLVR Technicians
- Staffing turnover at conservation districts can cause significant disruptions to CD projects and programs. The Center has worked with the SCC to develop a “New Hire Guide” for new Conservation District DGLVR Technicians to facilitate their orientation to the Program. This webinar reviewed the new guide which will be made available.
- Webinar Download (99.8 MB): MP4 format (~45 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.33 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.28 MB)
February 22: Admin/Policy Changes Review
- This webinar summarized the to proposed changes to the DGLVR Administrative Manual comments received and discussed any changes to the policy or documents.
- Webinar Download (175 MB): MP4 format (~33 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (967 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.10 MB)
February 15: ESM Spotlight – Underdrain, Infiltration, and Storm Sewers
- Building off a presentation done at the 2023 workshop, the Center has developed a new technical bulletin about the use of underdrain, infiltration, and storm sewer systems. This webinar reviewed the new technical bulletin which will be made available.
- Webinar Download (161 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 6 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (15.4 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (10.6 MB)
February 8: Stream Crossings – Status Update and Emerging Issues
- Status update on the implementation of the new stream crossing standard. Included a review of some recent issues encountered on projects and conservation district responsibilities.
- Webinar Download (133 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 19 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (8.92 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5.72 MB)
January 25: 2023 QAQC Project Showcase
- SCC staff highlighted and walked through highly effective or innovative DGLVR projects that were visited as part of recent Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QAQC) visits with Conservation Districts.
- Webinar Download (88.8 MB): MP4 format (~45 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (7.70 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (6.89 MB)
January 11: DGLVR Admin Manual Proposed Updates
- Review of the proposed DGLVR Admin Manual and Completion Report changes.
- Webinar Download (113 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 5 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.33 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.25 MB)
January 4: Online Longitudinal Profile Tool
- The Center has been working with developers at Penn State to turn the excel-based “Long-Pro Tool” into an online program. This tool can be used by CDs and others to input longitudinal profiles surveys for potential stream crossings to generate potential recommendations. The new online “Long Pro Tool” is more user friendly than the excel version, and provides an online repository for this data. The tool will be available to CDs after the webinar.
- Webinar Download (133 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 1 minute)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (720 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.02 MB)
December 14: DGLVR Spending Update and Annual Summary Report Refresher
- This webinar included a spending update for the end of the 5-year agreement spending window on 6/30/24, updates to the Quarterly Report, and an overview/refresher of the DGLVR Annual Summary Report that is due from Conservation Districts in January.
- Webinar Download (74.2 MB): MP4 format (~47 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.33 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.37 MB)
December 7: Education Update & Course Registration System
- This webinar discussed a 2023 summary and 2024 planning for various DGLVR education opportunities (ESM, Webinars, Stream Training, Admin training, Workshop etc.). We also reviewed the Center’s new online Course Registration System, which now includes the ability to search for active certifications for yourself, your county, or others.
- Webinar Download (60.6 MB): MP4 format (~32 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.97 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.44 MB)
December 5: DEP GP11 Stream Crossings for Engineers
- DEP central office staff presented this webinar directly to engineers who attended one of the 1.5-day DGLVR “Stream Crossing for Engineers” trainings in 2023. The webinar included presentation and discussion on often questioned topics related to the GP11 such as raising the road elevation, stream realignments, and channel work further away from the structure.
- Webinar Download (218 MB): MP4 format (~2 hours, 24 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (12.7 MB)
July 11: DEP Chapter 105 Permitting Examples
- Building off the 3/30/23 webinar, DEP staff expanded on some of the common issues and questions related to GP-11 and stream crossing replacements. This session focused mostly on DEP permit expectations and example situations.
- Webinar Download (112 MB): MP4 format (~58 minutes)
- No Presentation Downloads
July 6: End of FY Guidance and Discussion
- The end of the 2022-23 Fiscal Year brings with it a host of questions, especially since it marks the end of one SCC/CD 5-year agreement and the start of another. SCC and Center staff discussed a range of issues related to this transition including quarterly reports, transitioning to the new 5-year agreement, and upcoming spending deadlines.
- Webinar Download (51.8 MB): MP4 format (~39 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.25 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (428 KB)
June 22: New DGLVR Course Registration System
- The Center has been working with developers to create a comprehensive course attendance tracking system. The system will be used to track not only ESM trainings and attendance, but also CD training attendance such as administrative and stream crossing trainings. The webinar provided background and a demonstration of the new system.
- Webinar Download (221 MB): MP4 format (~40 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.00 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (919 KB)
- Course Registration Quick Guide (793 KB): This guide will provide the basics steps needed to register for a course.
June 13: DGLVR Project Work Plan Application
- Since debuting the idea at the 2022 workshop, we have been working with developers to create a “Project Sketch Application” in the DGLVR GIS system. The propose of this application is to allow CDs (and applicants and others) to create simple project layout maps to accompany grant applications for the DGLVR Program. This webinar served as a demonstration/mini-training on the sketcher, and CDs were provided access to the sketcher app immediately after the webinar.
- Webinar Download (191 MB): MP4 format (~57 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (6.42 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.86 MB)
- Webinar Chat Notes (101 KB): Relevant chat notes highlighting limitations present at the time of the webinar
- Project Work Plan Application Quick Guide (583 KB): This guide will provide the basics steps needed to create a Work Plan suitable for a Grant Application.
April 13: PA Direct Deposit of CD Funding
- The Commonwealth’s direct deposit of program funding has generated many questions and inquiries. The SCC and DEP have been working with the PA Vendor Data Management Unit (VDMU). For this webinar, the VDMU discussed the following topics: Classification of Vendor Numbers; Why Districts are limited to 1 bank account; PA Supplier Portal; Self Service Payment Lookup & E-Remittance. The VDMU also addressed many questions from the CDs.
- Webinar Download (88.7 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 8 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.75 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.29 MB)
April 6: Recent Policy Questions and Determinations
- This webinar reviewed a list of recent policy questions and determinations that have been made by the SCC, and provided time for Q&A from CDs.
- Webinar Download (75.9 MB): MP4 format (~46 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.28 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (4.32 MB)
March 30: DEP GP11 and Stream Crossings Update / Discussion
- DEP staff presented updated GP11 information related to the previously released permit memo that outlines the potential for structure realignments, increasing road fill height, and length of in-stream work for crossing replacements.
- Webinar Download (99.1 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 6 minutes)
- No Presentation Downloads
March 23: ESM Practice Spotlight: Shallow Crosspipes
- Based on recent QAQCs, the practice of “shallow crosspipes” is still underutilized around the state. This webinar reviewed the topic in detail, providing advantage and instruction for installation.
- Webinar Download (137 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 5 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.29 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5.06 MB)
March 16: DSA Season Primer
- DSA placement season begins April 1 for the DGLVR Program. This webinar served as a reminder and refresher about DSA prep, sampling, testing, and placement before the season gets underway.
- Webinar Download (97.5 MB): MP4 format (~58 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.11 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (8.61 MB)
March 9: Leveraging Other Funding with DGLVR funds
- With over $20 million going on the ground with DGLVR projects every year, there are numerous opportunities to use money spent on DGLVR projects as in-kind to obtain additional funding from a variety of sources. This webinar covered those opportunities.
- Webinar Download (125 MB): MP4 format (~55 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.54 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5.94 MB)
March 2: ESM Practice Spotlight: Sectional Fill
- While the Program utilized road fill to correct drainage problems on entrenched roads, sometime a complete fill job is not possible. This webinar covered a “sectional fill” approach that can sometimes be used to raise certain sections of road and obtain drainage outlets.
- Webinar Download (95.7 MB): MP4 format (~43 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (5.16 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (4.17 MB)
February 23: Annual Summary Report Overview
- This webinar provided an annual update on trends in DGLVR trends in spending and projects based on Annual Reports from CDs that were submitted in January.
- Webinar Download (62.0 MB): MP4 format (~35 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.35 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.14 MB)
February 16: Estimating Project Materials and Costs
- This session was a primer and overview for CD technicians in estimating quantities and costs for projects (both stream crossing and standard projects).
- Webinar Download (92.1 MB): MP4 format (~55 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.00 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5.62 MB)
February 9: Stream Crossing Replacement Monitoring
- This session included a recap of a multi-year study on Hammond Run (large squash pipe replaced on Shaver’s Creek Road in Huntingdon and shown at workshops). It also included some ideas and discussions for CDs who might be interested in implementing some monitoring of their own for stream crossing replacement projects.
- Webinar Download (84.6 MB): MP4 format (~33 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.19 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (7.18 MB)
February 2: DSA Proposed Change in Fine Content
- The Center is seeing an increase in the number of DSA placements with fine content near the bottom end of the specification (10%). This webinar reviewed some of the issues related to these placement and went over preliminary plans to increase the minimum fine content slightly.
- Webinar Download (63.2 MB): MP4 format (~23 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.43 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (4.09 MB)
January 26: Small Slide Repair
- A popular session at the 2022 workshop, this webinar provided background and examples of potential fixes to SMALL landslide issues associated with road banks.
- Webinar Download (101 MB): MP4 format (~51 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.59 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (4.77 MB)
January 19: Spread Footer Bridge Showcase
- This webinar reviewed the basics of spread footer designs and provided some examples as a potential option for stream crossing replacements.
- Webinar Download (465 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 32 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (16.8 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (14.9 MB)
January 12: Better Grant Applications
- This webinar discussed some common shortcomings of grant applications from applicants and considerations for improvement.
- Webinar Download (75.6 MB): MP4 format (~47 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (5.92 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (6.01 MB)
January 5: Stream Crossing Exemptions and Notifications
- This webinar reviewed the notification and exemption process for stream crossings with some examples.
- Webinar Download (112 MB): MP4 format (~41 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (6.88 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.54 MB)
December 22: GIS Mapper and Project Layouts Update
- Based on feedback at the 2022 workshop session, we have been working on updates to the DGLVR Mapper to enhance its capability to create project layouts and site plans. This webinar demonstrated the current progress and asked for feedback and suggestions from CD staff.
- Webinar Download (69 MB): MP4 format (~29 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (567 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.94 MB)
December 8: CD 5-Year Agreements and Annual Summary Report Refresher
- This webinar discussed the upcoming end of 5-year agreements between each CD and the SCC on 6/30/23. New agreements will be drafted to start on 7/1/23, and CDs will have through 6/30/24 to spend out funding from the old agreement. This webinar also provided a refresher on the Annual Summary Report (ASR) process since they are due in January, and the ASR will also be useful in determining your CD’s spending status related to the 5-year agreements.
- Webinar Download (170 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour , 12 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.07 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.47 MB)
July 7: DGLVR Fiscal Year Changes and Update
- This webinar summarized the various topics including: GIS and Website Updates, Policy Changes Now Effective for Future Contracts, Stream Crossing Policy and Standards, DSA Changes, as well as Other Policy and Miscellaneous Updates.
- Webinar Download (213 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 7 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.93 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (4.03 MB)
June 2: DGLVR Administrative Manual Changes for 7/1/22
- This webinar provided an overview and discussion of all the non-stream crossing related changes to the administrative manual approved by the SCC in May with an effective date of 7/1/22.
- Webinar Download (98.7 MB): MP4 format (~50 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.55 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.11 MB)
May 27: Stream Technical Manual: Overview and Q&A on DGLVR Stream Crossing Replacement Technical Manual
- Webinar Download (57.6 MB): MP4 format (~34 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.74 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.59 MB)
May 26: Stream Standard: Overview and Q&A on DGLVR Stream Crossing Design and Replacement Standard
- Webinar Download (182 MB): MP4 format (~41 minutes)
- Used policy text, so no presentation download.
May 25: Stream Policy: Overview and Q&A on DGLVR Stream Crossing Replacement Policy
- Webinar Download (148 MB): MP4 format (~41 minutes)
- Used policy text, so no presentation download.
May 20: May SCC Action Items for DGLVR
- This webinar provided an overview of DGLVR items approved at 5/10 SCC meeting, including: FY2022-23 CD Allocations, DSA revisions, DGLVR Admin Manual Update, and Stream Crossing Replacement Policy, Standard, and Technical Manual.
- Webinar Download (68.7 MB): MP4 format (~40 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.02 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.00 MB)
April 7: Prevailing Wage II
- This webinar was the second part of an earlier PW webinar this spring, with this webinar involving invited speakers. Speakers from the U.S. Department of Labor and PA Department of Labor and Industry joined this webinar to discuss Prevailing Wage and answer questions related to the DGLVR Program.
- Webinar Download (344 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 37 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.72 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (910 KB)
March 24: Annual Summary Report Overview
- This webinar gave an overview of spending, deliverables, trends, etc. obtained from the DGLVR Annual Summary Report that is due from CDs in January.
- Webinar Download (44.9 MB): MP4 format (~29 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.03 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.58 MB)
March 17: Start of “DSA Season”
- This webinar included a Driving Surface Aggregate refresher and a discussion in preparation for the start of “DSA Season” on April 1.
- Webinar Download (123 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 9 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.86 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (9.10 MB)
March 10: DGLVR Policy Changes, Overview and Discussion
- In addition to the new stream crossing documents, there are a relatively small amount of other DGLVR policy changes that are proposed. This webinar reviewed these proposed changes and provided an opportunity for questions and feedback from CDs.
- Webinar Download (73.4 MB): MP4 format (~43 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.87 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.65 MB)
March 4: GIS Contract Verifier / Quarterly Report Update
- This webinar addressed the issue of contracts that have become expired because of not completing them by the contract’s completion date. It reviewed updates to the Contract Verifier as well as discussed new requirements for the Quarterly Report.
- Webinar Download (68.5 MB): MP4 format (~33 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.41 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (957 KB)
February 24: Stream Crossing Comment Summary
- This webinar was the start of a discussion on the nearly 500 comments received on the Program’s proposed stream crossing policy and document changes. Discussion includes an update on the comment response progress, and preliminary discussion on a few of the most common recurring themes received in the comments.
- Webinar Download (100 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 11 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.72 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.74 MB)
February 3: Full Depth Reclamation (Remote Training)
- Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) is a base stabilization technique that grinds the existing road surface and base, mixes in either a mechanical or chemical stabilizer, then reshapes and recompacts the base to provide a good foundation on which to place a road surface. This remote session explained the FDR process as it relates to the DGLVR Program in more detail than the limited time at the ESM training allows.
- Webinar Download (126 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 5 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (6.85 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5.52 MB)
January 27: Prevailing Wage
- This webinar provided an overview of Prevailing Wage requirements for DGLVR Program with some updated examples.
- Webinar Download (72.2 MB): MP4 format (~34 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.54 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.59 MB)
January 20: Stream Crossing Documents Q&A #2
- This webinar was similar to the January 13th webinar and was Q&A focused.
- Webinar Download (142 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 40 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (433 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (183 KB)
January 13: Stream Crossing Documents Q&A
- This webinar had minimal presentation from the CDGRS or SCC, instead focusing on providing an opportunity for CDs to ask questions and provide direct feedback on the proposed new Stream Crossing Documents (Policy, Standard, and Technical Manual). Those documents are currently out for review by CDs and others through the end of January, and we hope this opportunity to ask questions and interact directly with CDGRS and SCC staff will assist in the review process.
- Webinar Download (104 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 13 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (433 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (183 KB)
December 13: Stream Crossing Documents Overview and CD Review
- The Center and SCC have been working on additional policy and guidance about stream crossing replacements throughout 2021. This webinar served as an introduction to those documents, a review of their purpose, a discussion of the review process for CDs, and a look at the potential timeline for implementation.
- Webinar Download (678 MB): MP4 format (~1 hour, 38 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.21 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.97 MB)
December 9: Annual Summary Report Overview
- Annual Summary Reports are due from Conservation Districts on 1/15. This webinar demonstrated how to complete this year’s Annual Summary Report as well as served as a Q&A for any questions the CD’s may have had with the current system. It reviewed the new interactive Potential Error Report list.
- Webinar Download (147 MB): MP4 format (~ 30 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.25 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.55 MB)
June 15: Admin/Edu Changes and GIS Updates
- This webinar reviewed the administrative and education spending changes approved at the July 2020 SCC meeting and discussed enhancements and updates to the Quarterly Report and GIS Mapper.
- Webinar Download (84.4 MB): MP4 format (~ 39 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.03 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.27 MB)
March 25: Shaver’s Creek 2020 Demo Virtual Walkthrough
- The Center installed an 11’ bottomless pipe arch last year as a demonstration project on Shaver’s Creek Road in northern Huntingdon County (on the same road, but a separate project from the 15’ squash pipe installation done in 2019). Due to COVID restrictions, not many people were able to attend the 2020 stream crossing boot camp to see the project. This webinar provided a “virtual walkthrough” of the planning and construction for the project. Note: The presentation downloads contain the additional pictures presentation.
- Webinar Download (358 MB): MP4 format (~ 1 hour 2 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (97.1 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (116 MB)
March 18: Start of DSA Season
- Since DSA placement season officially begins on April 1st, this webinar provided an overview and reminder of information about planning and testing for the upcoming construction season.
- Webinar Download (81.9 MB): MP4 format (~59 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (6.86 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (16.9 MB)
March 11: Annual Summary Report Overview
- Step back and take a “big picture” view of the DGLVR program and trends in spending and projects through an unprecedented year. The webinar presented a statewide summary based on annual summary reports from CDs.
- Webinar Download (64.7 MB): MP4 format (~40 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.66 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.36 MB)
February 11: Stream Crossings, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Photos of completed projects were used to highlight both the good and bad aspects of a variety of recently completed projects involving stream crossings.
- Webinar Download (251 MB): MP4 format (~ 1 hour 21 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (16.6 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (17.1 KB)
January 21: Aggregates 101
- An overview of aggregate specifications and common uses in the DGLVR Program. This webinar discussed both smaller aggregates, large rip-rap, and everything in-between. A great primer for new CD staff.
- Webinar Download (58.2 MB): MP4 format (~ 42 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (23 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (28.3 KB)
January 14: QAQC Update
- 2020 saw the end of the third cycle of QAQCs visiting every Conservation District. This webinar reviewed the previous round and discussed potential changes for round four which will start in 2021.
- Webinar Download (42.9 MB): MP4 format (~ 28 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.06 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (453 KB)
January 7: Annual Summary Report Overview
- Annual Summary Reports are due from Conservation Districts on 1/15. The process is relatively simple once the four quarterly report for 2020 have been submitted. This webinar provided an overview of the Annual Summary Report process for CDs.
- Webinar Download (212 MB): MP4 format (~ 51 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.4 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.03 MB)
December 22: Unpaved Road Assessment / Primer
- Winter and spring are the best time to update unpaved road assessments. This webinar served as a brief primer for new staff and a reminder for existing staff about assessment background, details, and additional training resources.
- Webinar Download (76 MB): MP4 format (~ 33 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.58 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (4.18 MB)
December 17: GIS Updates: Topographic Wetness Index, Project Error Checker, Financial Updates
- Some of you may have noticed a new “topographic wetness index” layer has been added to the GIS. CD staff will likely find this layer useful in many of the programs they administer. This webinar introduced that layer and go over some basics of how it was made and how it can be of use. It also demonstrated a new “Project Error Checker” tool designed to catch data entry errors for completed projects, along with a brief discussion on Administrative and Education spending.
- Webinar Download (200 MB): MP4 format (~ 55 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.34 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.5 MB)
December 10: Winter 2020-21 Training and Planning Discussion
- This webinar focused on sharing our plan and receiving some CD feedback on training events and priorities for the remainder of the Winter season including ESMs, webinar topics, remote trainings, documents, and more.
- Webinar Download (51.6 MB): MP4 format (~ 33 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.39 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (476 KB)
July 24: Stream Crossing Notifications
- Upon approval of a new policy at the July SCC meeting, Conservation Districts will need to notify the SCC of upcoming stream crossing replacement projects. We have created an online notification system for districts on the CDGRS website. This webinar walked through the notification system, and allowed CDs to ask questions.
- Webinar Download (55.7 MB): MP4 format (~ 36 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (755 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.62 MB)
July 23: Policies, DSA, and more
- This webinar reviewed a variety of topics and policies, including changes to the DSA specification, that were approved at the 7/22 SCC meeting. We will reviewed a new optional “request for quote” form that is available for use in specifying material for road fill projects.
- Webinar Download (135 MB): MP4 format (~ 49 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (604 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (705 KB)
July 16: CDGRS Educational Programs COVID Update
- The CDGRS is currently working through the University system to restart ESM trainings, hold a Stream Crossing Boot Camp, and schedule other educational events, both remote and in-person. This webinar provided a status update of these events and overview of the changes that had to be made, and gave CDs an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
- Webinar Download (32.3 MB): MP4 format (~ 34 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.37 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.83 MB)
July 14: GIS and Quarterly Reporting Updates
- We have made a few changes and improvements to the quarterly reporting process to give CDs easier access to some of their data. Tioga county has volunteered to let us use their data to demonstrate some of these new features on this webinar.
- Webinar Download (88.1 MB): MP4 format (~ 42 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.34 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (765 KB)
June 9: COSTARS and Purchasing
- As part of the 4/14/20 “Municipal Bidding” webinar, there was some discussion and a request for more information about the COSTARS program, a cooperative purchasing program designed to make purchasing both easier and price competitive for public entities. Felicia Campbell & Kim Bullivant, two representatives from COSTARS, presented information and answered available for questions.
- Webinar Download (178 MB): MP4 format (~ 1 hour 19 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (7.3 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (8.72 MB)
June 4: Quarterly Reporting and Replenishment Updates
- This webinar highlighted changes made to ACH (direct deposit) replenishments for Conservation Districts and the data now required. It also reviewed a new feature which will allow districts to upload an invoice receipt for expenses declared on a replenishment request.
- Webinar Download (149 MB): MP4 format (~ 44 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.21 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (760 KB)
May 7: Structure Selection Technical Bulletin
- As part of the Center’s efforts to expand on technical guidance for stream crossing replacements, we have worked with TU and the SCC to create a technical bulletin on “Structure Selection for Stream Crossings”. This webinar walked through the bulletin allowing CDs to ask questions and provide feedback.
- Webinar Download (176 MB): MP4 format (~ 42 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (633 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.49 MB)
May 5: Unpaved Road Assessment Perspective
- CDs have until June 15th to conduct assessments before CD allocations are taken to the SCC. Several CDs have been working to complete assessments during this time of remote work. We reviewed statewide assessment status, then Juniata County shared and discussed their assessment progress, planning, obstacles, and how they dealt with social distancing restrictions.
- Webinar Download (70.5 MB): MP4 format (~ 37 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.7 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.98 MB)
April 28: Coronavirus Update and the Restart of Construction
- This webinar reviewed the order, discussed DGLVR program impacts, answered questions about projects potentially starting on May 1, and shared available guidance on conducting safe field work during this time.
- Webinar Download (61 MB): MP4 format (~ 28 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.75 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (4.64 MB)
April 21: Coronavirus DGLVR Impacts Update
- This webiner was a follow-up to the 3/26 webinar that discusses DGLVR-related impacts from the coronavirus quarantine.
- Webinar Download (36.4 MB): MP4 format (~ 26 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.07 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (563 KB)
April 16: Project Detail Sheets
- This webiner covered the fillable “Standard Detail Sheets” for commonly used ESM practices such as underdrain, French mattress, road fill, etc. It also demonstrated the DGLVR Materials Calculator.
- Webinar Download (80.5 MB): MP4 format (~ 45 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.58 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (11 MB)
April 14: Municipal Bidding
- This webinar reviewed various aspects of the municipal bidding process as it relates to municipal projects funded through the DGLVR Program. It covered an overview of the bidding process and provided additional resources.
- Webinar Download (66.3 MB): MP4 format (~ 1 hour 8 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (8.81 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (16.9 MB)
April 9: New Stream Crossing Bulletins: Bankfull Guidance
- The Center has been working with TU on several Technical Bulletins to provide more guidance on stream crossing replacements. This webinar reviewed a technical bulletin on providing additional guidance on determining bankful widths.
- Webinar Download (130 MB): MP4 format (~ 38 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (10.3 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (15.9 MB)
April 7: GIS Updates
- This webinar reviewed a few new additions to the GIS system including a “Contract Verifier” and notifications related to the quarterly report.
- Webinar Download (133 MB): MP4 format (~ 42 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.05 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.96 MB)
April 2: DEP GP11 Clarification Memo
- DEP provided a clarification memo pertaining to GP11s for the DGLVR Program. This webinar reviewed the memo and gave CDs an opportunity to ask questions. DEP Central office participated in this webinar as well.
- Webinar Download (94.6 MB): MP4 format (~ 1 hour 14 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (943 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.09 MB)
March 26: DGLVR Coronavirus Impact
- This webinar looked at questions and impacts to the Program caused by the current travel and work limitations. We discussed spending, allocations, traffic counts, technical assistance, etc. CDGRS and SCC staff answered any questions the CD’s had about how the current working limitations may impact how CDs administer the Program.
- Webinar Download (100 MB): MP4 format (~ 37 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (987 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (552 KB)
March 24: Review of Draft Policy Changes
- Some policy changes were drafted this winter, and are currently out to Conservation Districts for comment. This webinar briefly reviewed the policy changes and gave districts a chance to ask questions.
- Webinar Download (58.5 MB): MP4 format (~ 45 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (638 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (614 KB)
January 8: Annual Summary Report Training
- This webinar will demonstrate how to complete this year’s Annual Summary Report as well as serve as a Q&A for any questions you may have with the current system.
- Webinar Download (72.8 MB): MP4 format (~ 24 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (450 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (562 KB)
October 8: GIS Updates: Admin & Edu Tracker, Project Completion Date
- This webinar will discussed and demonstrated two new updates to the GIS Mapper. The Admin and Edu Tracker will allow you to determine how much administrative and education expenses you can claim before you reach the 10% max. The Project Completion Date clears up confusion with the current method of Completing a project.
- Webinar Download (88.6 MB): MP4 format (~ 29 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.09 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.18 MB)
July 1: GIS Changes Update
- This webinar will demonstrate the changes made to the DGLVR online GIS tracker that will be made available to CDs on 7/1. They include changes to the Contract and amendments with some added functionality, and changes to the Project Completion Report used to summarize completed projects. The webinar will demonstrate the changes, which will be available to CDs later that same day.
- Webinar Download (52.8 MB): MP4 format (~ 30 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (614 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (850 KB)
May 23: Manual, Reporting, and Spending Updates
- This webinar will provide updates on a number of current hot topics in the DGLVR Program: Overview of updates to the Administrative Manual approved on 5/14; a summary of lessons from the quarterly reporting process; and a summary of CD spending status to meet the June 30th spending deadline.
- Webinar Download (40.9 MB): MP4 format (~ 44 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.24 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.22 MB)
April 4: Project Sharing Session Recap
- An overview of projects presented by Conservation Districts at the spring 2019 Project Sharing Sessions around the state.
- Webinar Download (185 MB): MP4 format (~ 1 hour 6 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (23.1 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (20.5 MB)
March 28: CD Spending Deadline Update
- Roy Richardson reviewed and answered questions on the 5-year contract and spending issues, including the March SCC actions for counties who did not meet spending requirements.
- Webinar Download (34.3 MB): MP4 format (~ 37 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.26 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (8.42 MB)
March 21: Detailed GIS Data Analysis Demo in Excel
- This webinar spent some time doing more detailed summarization and analysis of one county’s GIS data in excel. It went into more detail on sorts, summarizations, formulas, and graphs, and other functions in excel.
- Webinar Download (134 MB): MP4 format (~ 48 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (809 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (942 KB)
March 7: Analyzing GIS data for CDs
- Overview of GIS Reporting tools and tips and hints with analyzing GIS data for CDs.
- Webinar Download (101 MB): MP4 format (~ 45 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.08 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.46 MB)
March 6: 2018 Annual Summary Data Review
- Annual summary overview for 2018.
- Webinar Download (36 MB): MP4 format (~ 28 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.89 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5.19 MB)
February 12: “Old” Money Spending Overview
- Tips and Tricks for meeting the June 30, 2019 Spending Deadline.
- Webinar Download (53 MB): MP4 format (~ 41 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.54 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.94 MB)
February 5: Prevailing Wage Update and Q&A Review
- This webinar discussed prevailing wage updates and supporting documents as well as provide an overview of Q&A.
- Supporting Documents:
- Prevailing Wage and the DGLVR (118 KB): Prevailing wage as it pertains to the Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Road Maintenance Program. (5/15)
- Prevailing Wage Q&A: Question and answer document for grant applicants about how Prevailing Wage applies to the DGLVR Program. Thanks to Huntingdon Conservation District for developing initial document. The link takes you to the CDGRS Reference Materials page.
- Webinar Download (65.1 MB): MP4 format (~ 37 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.28 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.26 MB)
January 9: Annual Summary Report Training
- This webinar will demonstrate how to complete this year’s Annual Summary Report as well as serve as a Q&A for any questions you may have with the current system.
- Webinar Download (32.2 MB): MP4 format (~ 31 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.09 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (600 KB)
October 5: Quarterly Reporting Submitting Demo w/ Huntingdon CCD
- Huntingdon CCD will be submitting their QR live and we will have slides of the email tracking that occurs after submitting.
- Webinar Download (45.6 MB): MP4 format (~ 40 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.3 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.02 MB)
September 24: Quarterly Report Session from 2018 Workshop
- Repeat of the Quarterly Report session from the 2018 Workshop. Designed to review and discuss the types of information to enter into the QR.
- Webinar Download (24.4 MB): MP4 format (~ 34 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.87 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.23 MB)
September 13: Quarterly Report Workshop and Training Overview
- Overview of the QR Sessions at the 2018 Annual Workshop and the webinar-based training sessions that will follow.
- Webinar Download (18.9 MB): MP4 format (~ 17 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (591 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (733 KB)
July 6, 9, and 20: Entering Project Payments
- Training webinar to illustrate how individual project payments (checks) are now tracked. Note that this webinar was repeated for each day and only the July 9th webinar was recorded and posted.
- Webinar Download (39 MB): MP4 format (~ 35 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (989 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (635 KB)
June 18, 21, and 26: GIS and Quarterly Reporting Update
- This webinar presented an overview of the upcoming Quarterly Report and Project Payments tracker, along with instructions on how to complete the Quarterly Report Financial Statement and Checklist. Note that this webinar was repeated for each day and only the June 26 webinar was recorded and posted.
- Webinar Download (50.5 MB): MP4 format (~ 58 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (613 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (873 KB)
- References:
- 5-Year Agreement Update: Financial Statement & Quarterly Report Checklist (745 KB): Document to be completed by CD’s pertaining to the new Quarterly Report system.
April 3: Taking Better Project Photos (from 2017 Workshop)
- This webinar presented the “project photo taking tips” presentation given at the 2017 workshop in Bradford. The presentation covers tips and tricks to take more effective photos of DGLVR (and other) field projects to make more effective education and presentation material.
- Webinar Download (46.8 MB): MP4 format (~ 35 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (21.1 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (129 MB)
March 27: Project Sharing Session Highlights
- An overview of the four regional sessions where CDs shared pictures and stories about recently completed projects.
- Webinar Download (201 MB): MP4 format (~ 1 hour 12 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (24.8 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (56.8 MB)
February 13: 2017 Annual Summary Report Review
- An overview of the spending and trends in 2017.
- Webinar Download (30.3 MB): MP4 format (~ 31 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.28 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (12 MB)
February 6: DGLVR District Allocation Changes
- An overview of the changes to the DGLVR allocations.
- Webinar Download (29.3 MB): MP4 format (~ 32 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.2 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (3.48 MB)
January 25: 5-year Contracts and Spending Concerns
- An overview of the new and existing 5-year contracts and spending.
- Webinar Download (29.3 MB): MP4 format (~ 39 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.2 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (751 KB)
January 23: Overview of Spring Trainings and Events
- An overview of the Center’s spring trainings and events.
- Webinar Download (22.6 MB): MP4 format (~ 27 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.62 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.39 MB)
December 12: Annual Summary Report Review
- Review of the Annual Summary Report process, worksite creation and data entry. A “how to” to complete this year’s ASR.
- Webinar Download (40.8 MB): MP4 format (~ 31 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.42 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5.98 MB)
April 18: CD Replenishments and Direct Deposit
- A overview of the replenishment and direct deposit process.
- Webinar Download (36.6 MB): MP4 format (~ 30 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.12 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.27 MB)
April 13: Overview of Admin Manual Changes
- A overview of the changes made to the 2017 version of the Administrative Guidance Manual.
- Webinar Download (26.4 MB): MP4 format (~ 21 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (546 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.36 MB)
March 17: Project Sharing Session Highlights
- Highlights from the regional Conservation District project sharing sessions.
- Unfortunately due microphone issues, a recording of this webinar is not available.
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (22.5 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (83.5 MB)
February 14: 2016 Annual Summary Report Review
- A brief overview of data compiled from the CDs using the GIS system for the 2016 Annual Report.
- Webinar Download (35.2 MB): MP4 format (~ 28 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.62 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (12.5 MB)
January 31: Worksite Assessment Overview
- History and overview of the DGLVR “Assessment” process that was used to identify and evaluate the 16,000+ unpaved road pollution sites across PA.
- Webinar Download (28.7 MB): MP4 format (~ 19 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.08 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5.44 MB)
January 17: CD Education and Outreach Ideas
- Education and outreach ideas and efforts for Conservation Districts to improve interactions with municipalities and other potential applicants.
- Webinar Download (45.3 MB): MP4 format (~ 38 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.32 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (8.45 MB)
December 6: Annual Summary Report Review
- Review of the Annual Summary Report process, worksite creation and data entry. A “how to” to complete this year’s ASR.
- Webinar Download (42.4 MB): MP4 format (~ 28 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.25 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5.93 MB)
July 20: Inside the DGLVR Annual Summary Report
- Detailed look at projects, spending, and practices being reported in both D&G and LVR.
- Webinar Download (48.2 MB): MP4 format (~ 37 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.06 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.26 MB)
July 7: Maintaining Better Project Hard Files
- Advice on better project files learned from ~30 QAQC visits over the last 18 months.
- Webinar Download (45.1 MB): MP4 format (~ 36 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (3.67 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (9.37 MB)
June 15: DSA “Technical” Details
- A more In-depth look at DSA issues, including a review of the new “DSA handbook”. No presentation is available.
- Webinar Download (83.3 MB): MP4 format (~ 54 minutes)
May 19: DSA “Administrative” Overview
- Overview of new SCC DSA spec, and what it means for CDs.
- Webinar Download (39.4 MB): MP4 format (~ 33 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.25 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (4.24 MB)
January 7: Annual Summary Report and GIS Q&A
- Review of the Annual Summary Report process, worksite creation and data entry.
- Webinar Download (74.9 MB): MP4 format (~ 1 hour 8 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (778 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.02 MB)
July 31: Prevailing Wage
- Holly Fishel (PA State Association of Township Supervisors, PSATS) provided information and answered questions on Prevailing Wage as it relates to the DGLVR Program.
- Webinar Download (50.9 MB): MP4 format (~ 43 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (755 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (797 KB)
July 24: GIS Update
- Repeat of update given at the July 8 SCC meeting for those who could not attend.
- Webinar Download (46.7 MB): MP4 format (~ 32 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.68 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5 MB)
July 22: Low Volume Road Calls
- A chance for districts to share and discuss LVR policies, applications, project pictures, and other issues with each other and Center/Program staff.
- Webinar Downloads:
- Eastern Counties (82.8 MB): MP4 format (~ 54 minutes)
- Western Counties (70 MB): MP4 format (~ 44 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (2.21 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (8.15 MB)
April 9: QA/QC – Quality Assurance / Quality Control Effort and Visit Overview
- An overview of the Program’s Quality Assurance / Quality Control effort and visitations.
- Webinar Download (29.1 MB): MP4 format (~ 25 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (827 KB)
- MS Powerpoint (872 KB)
April 2: Large Program Counties (over $300K combined allocation)
- This was an “informal/interaction” webinar and did not contain a presentation. This informal session allowed CDs to interact and discuss current topics with each other and Center/Program staff.
- Webinar Download (47.2 MB): MP4 format (~ 38 minutes)
March 13: Details of the Program’s new Stream Crossing Replacement Policy
- An overview of the Program’s new Stream Crossing Replacement Policy.
- Webinar Download (37.3 MB): MP4 format (~ 29 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.68 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (9.13 MB)
March 5: Small Program Counties (under $300K combined allocation)
- This was an “informal/interaction” webinar and did not contain a presentation. This informal session allowed CDs to interact and discuss current topics with each other and Center/Program staff.
- Webinar Download (38.1 MB): MP4 format (~ 32 minutes)
February 27: DGRoads Online GIS System Update and Demo
- An overview of the new DGRoads Online GIS System.
- Webinar Download (41.6 MB): MP4 format (~ 30 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.3 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (4.55 MB)
December 17: Update of Revised Program Forms
- Overview of new and updated program forms such as Grant Application, Contract, and financial documents.
- Webinar Download (45.8 MB): MP4 format (~ 38 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (4.28 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (5.19 MB)
December 11: Developing/Revamping Application Ranking Criteria
- Discussion of the Grant Application Ranking criteria that each Conservation District must develop for use within their county.
- Webinar Download (43.2 MB): MP4 format (~ 37 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.86 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (16.1 MB)
November 20: Quality Assurance Board Issues
- Quality Assurance Boards are four member advisory groups that are established in each county to steer the DGLVRP at the local level. This webinar focuses on an overview of QABs including: purpose and structure; meeting procedures; role in projects; and role in policy.
- Webinar Download (43.1 MB): MP4 format (~ 37 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.4 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (2.78 MB)
October 23: Low Volume Roads and Traffic Counts
- Paved Low Volume Roads must have 500 vehicles per day or less to be eligible for Program funds. This session is a walkthrough of the Program’s Traffic Count Policy for Low Volume Roads that was approved at the September 2014 SCC meeting.
- Webinar Download (36.6 MB): MP4 format (~ 31 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.26 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (1.64 MB)
June 23: Program Overview and Update
- General overview and update on a wide range of issues related to changes to the PA Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Road Maintenance Program.
- Webinar Download (89.1 MB): MP4 format (~ 1 hour 17 minutes)
- Presentation Downloads:
- Adobe PDF (1.15 MB)
- MS Powerpoint (16.6 MB)