What’s New

What’s New2022-06-30T07:58:06-04:00

Stream Crossing Replacements

This new page summarizes the policy and educational material available related to replacing a stream crossing to address these issues in PA’s DGLVR Program. Visit the Stream Crossings Replacements page for detailed information.

May 14, 2020|

May 12 SCC Meeting Webinar

In order to facilitate the June PA State Conservation Commission Meeting, the PSU Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies will be using Penn State’s Zoom Webinar System to host the meeting. Visit the SCC Meetings page for detailed information.

May 6, 2020|

Standard Detail Sheets

The Center has put together a series of fillable “Standard Detail Sheets” for commonly used ESM practices such as underdrain, French mattress, road fill, etc. Download these documents here.

April 14, 2020|

Online Assessment Training

A recorded assessment training has been created to assist Conservation Districts wishing to start conducting assessments in their county.  The recorded assessment training is approximately 90 minutes in length, divided into several chapters, and conducts “virtual assessments” on 5 separate roads including updating the sites in the GIS. Visit here …

November 7, 2019|

2019-20 CD Allocations

The SCC approved Conservation District Allocations for both “Dirt and Gravel”, and “Low Volume” funding at their July meeting. You can view the updated allocations on the Conservation District Allocations page. 

July 17, 2019|

Updated: Administrative Guidance Manual

At its 5/14 meeting, The State Conservation Commission adopted revisions to the administrative manual.  Revisions are effective 7/1/19 and contracts signed before that date should follow old manual and policies.  Contracts signed on or after 7/1/19 should follow the new manual, policies, and forms.  This section is provided so Conservation …

May 20, 2019|

Newsletter: April 2019

The Center’s latest newsletter is now available and can be read here. Topics include:

Stream Xings
CD Reporting
CD Spending
Arkansas Unpaved Roads Program

May 1, 2019|

Prevailing Wage Q&A

Question and answer document for grant applicants about how Prevailing Wage applies to the DGLVR Program.  Thanks to Huntingdon Conservation District for developing initial document. Download the Q&A here.

February 1, 2019|

Newsletter: December 2018

The Center’s latest newsletter is now available and can be read here. Topics include:

CD Reporting
2019 Trainings
CD Spending
DSA Project Wrapup

December 19, 2018|

Newsletter: June 2018

The Center’s latest newsletter is now available and can be read here. Topics include:

GIS Update
Recent SCC Actions
ESM “Boot Camps”
CDGRS Position
TU Partnership

June 18, 2018|

Oil & Gas Brine Spreading Halted

The use of oil & gas brines for dust suppression has been put on hold by DEP in response to a recent decision by the Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board. DEP is currently reviewing the outcome of the decision, and determining potential next steps. At this point, municipalities seeking authority to …

May 30, 2018|

ESM Boot Camp

Registration Now Available. New for 2018.  This three day training event is designed for relatively new “DGLVR Technicians” at the Conservation District level.  It is designed to “jump start” incoming technicians with field experience related to construction, surveying, site evaluation for the DGLVR Program. Visit the ESM Boot Camp page …

May 29, 2018|

2018-19 CD Allocations

The SCC approved Conservation District Allocations for both “Dirt and Gravel”, and “Low Volume” funding at their May meeting. You can view the updated allocations on the Conservation District Allocations page. 

May 9, 2018|

Newsletter: April 2018

The Center’s latest newsletter is now available and can be read here. Topics include:

2018 ESMs and Workshop
DSA Season
Recent SCC Actions
ESM “Boot Camps”
TU Partnership

April 18, 2018|

SCC DSA Spec & Handbook

The SCC adopted an updated Driving Surface Aggregate specification at their 3/13 meeting.  Details about the new spec, and the new “DSA Handbook” and its appendicies can be found on the Driving Surface Aggregate (DSA) page.

March 14, 2018|

Updated QA/QC Resources

To help prepare the Conservation Districts for the 3rd round of the QAQC, several documents were added or updated. Download the updated documents here.

February 5, 2018|

Conservation District Allocations

The Conservation District allocation formulas have been updated. Visit the Program-Specific Resources’ CD Allocations page for detailed explanations about the respective formulas used to determine the allocations.

February 5, 2018|

Statement of Policy

Updated DGLVR Statement of Policy. Approved as final by action of the State Conservation Commission on January 17, 2018. Visit the Program-Specific Resources’ Reference Material or Blank Forms page to download the SoP.

January 31, 2018|

Newsletter: October 2017

The Center’s latest newsletter is now available and can be read here. Topics include:

Bud Byron Award
Reporting and GIS
TU Job Opening
Materials Calculator
Road Ditch Effort

October 19, 2017|
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