New CD Hire Guide page
A new webpage has been created to help new Conservation District staff get started in the DGLVR Program. Visit the New CD Hire Guide page for more information.
CDGRS Longitudinal Profile Online Tool Now Available
The Center has worked with the PSU College of Engineering to develop a more user-friendly online tool for inputting longitudinal profile data and conducting site analysis. This tool is now available. Visit the Stream Crossing Replacements page for information and links to access this new tool. …
2023 Annual Summary Report
The annual report highlights projects, practices, and expenditures for 2023. Visit the Program-Specific Resources’ Reference Material page to download the annual report.
Updated: New Hire Guide
Updated New Hire Guide for new Conservation District employees. Download the guide here.
Proposed Policy Updates
Proposed 2024 DGLVR admin manual and reporting changes. Comments due to Sherri Law ( by February, 9.
- Admin Manual Updates (2.32 MB): Proposed updates to the Admin Manual.
- Cost Allocation Updates (257 KB): Proposed updates to the Cost Allocation methodology.
NEW: Course Attendance Tracker
Searchable tool to view and download certificate eligibility for ESM, Administrative, and Stream Crossing courses. This replaces the ESM eligibility list pdf. Try out the new tool here.
New DGLVR Course Registration System
The Center has been working with developers to create a comprehensive course attendance tracking system. The system will be used to track not only ESM trainings and attendance, but also CD training attendance such as administrative and stream crossing trainings. This system is now live. Visit the Past Webinars …
DGLVR Project Work Plan Application
Since debuting the idea at the 2022 workshop, we have been working with developers to create a “Project Sketch Application” in the DGLVR GIS system. The propose of this application is to allow CDs (and applicants and others) to create simple project layout maps to accompany grant applications for the …
2022 Annual Summary Report
The annual report highlights projects, practices, and expenditures for 2022. Visit the Program-Specific Resources’ Reference Material page to download the annual report.
2023-24 CD Allocations
The SCC approved Conservation District Allocations for both “Dirt and Gravel”, and “Low Volume” funding at their May meeting. You can view the updated allocations on the Conservation District Allocations page.
2021 Annual Summary Report
The annual report highlights projects, practices, and expenditures for 2021. Visit the Program-Specific Resources’ Reference Material page to download the annual report.
Updated: Approved Products List
Visit the Products page to download the updated Approved Products list.
2022-23 CD Allocations
The SCC approved Conservation District Allocations for both “Dirt and Gravel”, and “Low Volume” funding at their May meeting. You can view the updated allocations on the Conservation District Allocations page.
DGLVR Actions Taken at 5/10 SCC Meeting
Below is a summary of what the Commission Approved:
- PSU Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies budget and scope of work for FY 22-23.
- Conservation District allocations for both DG and LV for FY 22-23, pending state budget approval.
- Changes to the Driving Surface Aggregate (DSA) standard. Effective 7/1/22
DGLVR Stream Crossing Replacement Certification Trainings
The Center has scheduled an initial round of 6 Stream Crossing Certification Trainings for Conservation Districts for 2022. These trainings will not only support conservation districts’ current contracts involving stream crossings but are to support the PROPOSED DGLVR stream crossing training requirements, slated to be effective July 1, 2023. The proposed training …
Updated: Prevailing Wage Q&A
Question and answer document for grant applicants about how Prevailing Wage applies to the DGLVR Program. Download the Q&A here.
DGLVR Article in The Philadelphia Inquirer
“How a rainy day and finicky fish launched a Pennsylvania program dedicated to unpaved roads.” article. This link takes you to the actual article:
Updated: ESM Training Guide and Take-Home Reference Book
The follow along training guide and take-home reference book provided at each training. Download the updated guide here.
Stream Crossing Document Review
The Center and SCC have been working on several documents, including a Program Standard, Program Policy and a Technical Manual, to provide guidance for funding stream crossing replacements funded by the DGLVR Program. The documents have gone through several reviews by DGLVR advisory workgroups that include staff from ~15 conservation …
2020 Annual Summary Report
The annual report highlights projects, practices, and expenditures for 2020. Visit the Program-Specific Resources’ Reference Material page to download the annual report.