Reference Material
Unless noted otherwise for specific items such as traffic counts, all policies and forms apply to both the “Dirt and Gravel” and “paved Low Volume Road” portions of the Program.
Fact Sheets and Guides
- 2023 DGLVR Annual Report (4.77 MB): The 2023 annual report highlights projects, practices, and expenditures for 2023. (6/24)
- 20th Anniversary Summary (1.04 MB): Two-page summary of the 20th anniversary of the Dirt and Gravel Road Program. (6/17)
- Annual Summary Report Guide (322 KB): Step-by-step guide to completing the Annual Summary Report.
- 2021 Municipal Fact Sheet (1.08 MB): Two page summary of DGLVR Program for municipalities and other eligible applicants. (2/21)
- Summary of Typical Costs (109 KB): A summary of typical expected cost for commonly purchased items and services for the DGLVR Program. (4/15)
- FEMA Equipment Rates: FEMA schedule of equipment rates. (Direct link to FEMA website)
- Prevailing Wage and the DGLVR (118 KB): Prevailing wage as it pertains to the Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Road Maintenance Program. (5/15)
- Prevailing Wage Q&A (511 KB): Question and answer document for grant applicants about how Prevailing Wage applies to the DGLVR Program. Thanks to Huntingdon Conservation District for developing initial document. (4/22)
- Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Permit Fact Sheet (185 KB): A brief summary of each of the 12 DEP general permits.
- Bankfull Guidance Manual (385 KB): Guidance in Determining Bankfull Stream Width in Pennsylvania.
- DGLVR GIS Error Cutoff Values for Project Deliverables (208 KB): The current cutoff values for project deliverables. Helps indicate potential errors with entered project totals.
Standard Program Documents
- Section 9106 of PA Vehicle Code (98.4 KB): Section 9106 of PA motor vehicle code that establishes the Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Road Program. Originally passed in 1997 and amended in 2013.
- Statement of Policy (42 KB): Statement of Policy for Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Road Maintenance Program. This document also becomes “Attachment C” to the contract between the Conservation District and the Grant recipient.
- General Contract Provisions (23.7 KB): Legal document that defines the terms of the contract between the conservation district and the grant recipient. This becomes “Attachment B” to the contract between the Conservation District and the Grant recipient.
- 5 Year Agreement Between Districts and Commission (85.2 KB): Legal agreement between the SCC and individual conservation districts that enables the Program to be administered at the local level. For 2018 – 2023.
- QA/QC Documents (52.6 KB): Brief overview of the Program’s Quality Assurance / Quality Control effort that visits individual conservation districts to evaluate the effectiveness of the Program in each county.
Powerpoint Presentations
Several Districts have requested presentation material for use at the local level. Below are the current “Program Intro” and “Admin Training” PowerPoint presentations. Feel free to use pieces of them in your educational efforts. Additional topic-specific presentations can be found on the webinars page.
- Program Intro (16 MB): Introductory slides to the Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Road Program. (12/2/2014)
- Program Administrative Training (18.6 MB): Powerpoint slides presented at Administrative Training that follows along with administrative manual. (3/12/15)
Historical Documents
Several Districts have requested presentation material for use at the local level. Below are the current “Program Intro” and “Admin Training” PowerPoint presentations. Feel free to use pieces of them in your educational efforts. Additional topic-specific presentations can be found on the webinars page.
- SCC Minutes (1997-2016) (6.37 MB):
All SCC meeting minutes related to the DGLVR program from 1997 – 2016. - 1997 Dirt and Gravel Roads Task Force Status Report (2.04 MB):
The 1997 Status of and Future Directions for the Pennsylvania Task Force on Dirt and Gravel Roads. - 1997 Dirt and Gravel Roads Task Force Fact Sheet (1.21 MB):
This is a reprint of a June 1997 report by the Dirt and Gravel Road Task Force, two months after the Program began. - 1996 Dirt and Gravel Roads Task Force Fact Sheet (994 KB):
This is a reprint of a March 1996 report by the Dirt and Gravel Road Task Force, one year before the Program began. - Original Trout Unlimited “Hotspot” Assessment Worksheet (137 KB):
The worksheet used by Trout Unlimited to determine the original site pollution “hotspots”.
Support Software
Support software for GIS Mapper-based trainings and troubleshooting. Only download if directed by a Center representative.
- TeamViewer (11.8 MB): This software is for troubleshooting GIS issues. It allows a member of the Center to view your desktop.