Stream Crossing Replacements
The replacement of stream crossing has been a growing component of many DGLVR projects since program funding increased in 2014. The Program focuses funding on structures that are creating environmental impacts because they are undersized for the stream channel. Undersized structures create a variety of environmental and maintenance problems such as gravel deposition, excessive erosion, flooding, and creating a barrier to the movement of fish and other aquatic organisms. In May of 2022, the SCC approved a new policy, standard, and technical manual, related to stream crossing replacements. These documents are not effective until July 1, 2022. Contracts signed before July 1, 2022 must follow previous policies, which are provided in the Current DGLVR Policy Documents section. That section will be removed once the new policy is in effect.
Stream Crossing Replacement Resources
The replacement of stream crossing has been a growing component of many DGLVR projects since Program funding increased in 2014. The Program focuses funding on structures that are creating environmental impacts because they are undersized for the stream channel. Undersized structures create a variety of environmental and maintenance problems such as gravel deposition, excessive erosion, flooding, and creating a barrier to the movement of fish and other aquatic organisms. For more information on the background and purpose of these documents, especially for new staff, please refer to chapter 1 of the Stream Crossing Replacement Technical Manual below. In May of 2022, the SCC approved a new policy, standard, and technical manual related to stream crossing replacements that takes effect 7/1/22. Please visit the Stream Crossing Education and Training Page for training schedules and educational materials such as recorded trainings, webinars, etc.
Policy, Standard, and Technical Manual
- DGLVR Stream Crossing Replacement POLICY (840 KB): The stream crossing policy, which applies to stream crossing replacements funded in whole or in part with DGLVR funds (or counted as in-kind) is included as section 7.1 of the DGLVR Administrative Manual. It is provided here separately for convenience. Also included after the policy are several appendices to the DGLVR Administrative Manual relating to stream crossings.
- DGLVR Stream Crossing Design and Installation STANDARD (1.12 MB): Unless an exemption is applicable or received (section 7.1.3 of Policy), the policy requires all stream crossing replacements funded in whole or in part with DGLVR funds to follow this design and installation standard.
- DGLVR Stream Crossing Replacement TECHNICAL MANUAL (15.1 MB): This technical manual provides comprehensive guidance on how to achieve the goals of the Program and meet the requirements outlined in the Stream Crossing Replacement Policy and Standard. The Technical Manual does not include any additional requirements that are not already specified in the policy or standard.
Links to Individual Appendices and Attachments
The appendices and attachments to the policy, standard, and technical manual are provided here for convenience.
- Stream Crossing Eligibility Determination (389 KB): Records bankfull measurements to determine structure eligibility for replacement. Required. (Appendix H to Admin Manual)
- Stream Crossing Exemption Form (Automatic) (203 KB): Form for CDs to complete for crossings meeting automatic exemption criteria (Attachment I to Admin Manual)
- Stream Crossing Exemption Form (SCC Approved) (277 KB): Form to request SCC exemption (Attachment I to Admin Manual)
- Stream Crossing Project Lifecycle Checklist (310 KB): Big-picture checklist to record important events in project planning and implementation. Required. (Attachment J to Admin Manual)
- List of Potentially Applicable Permits (205 KB): List and links to permits that may be applicable for crossing replacement projects. Informational only. (Attachment A to Standard)
- Inspection and Documentation of critical Stages of Construction Form (155 KB): Signed and sealed certification form for design engineer. Required. (Attachment B to Standard)
- Typical Detail Drawings (728 KB): Standard drawing templates for a variety of structures. Informational only. Note these are also attached in CAD format below under “templates”. (Attachment C to Standard)
- Note that Technical Manual appendices A and C are already covered elsewhere in this list.
- Definitions and Acronyms (241 KB): Commonly used terms and acronyms for stream crossings. (Attachment B to Technical Manual)
- Stream Continuity Sketches (797 KB): Sketches illustrating broad concepts in achieving stream continuity. Informational only. (Attachment D to Technical Manual)
- SCC GP 11 Permit Memo (166 KB): SCC memo outlining possibility for raising road elevations or realigning structures. Informational only. (Attachment E to Technical Manual)
- Editable Forms and Templates (231 KB): see separate listing below. (Attachment F to Technical Manual)
- Checklists: Checklist for various individual meetings and review steps. Optional. (Attachment G to Technical Manual)
- Pre-Application Meeting (202 KB)
- Pre-Design Meeting (240 KB)
- Design Package Review (216 KB)
- Bid Package Review (178 KB)
- Bid Site Showing (194 KB)
- Pre-Construction Meeting (199 KB)
- Construction Inspections (266 KB)
- Completion/Final Inspection (214 KB)
- Technical Bulletins: Detailed guidance on particular aspects of crossing replacement. Informational only. (Attachment H to Technical Manual)
- Bankfull Width Determination (1.75 MB): Guidance and examples for determining the bankfull width of a variety of stream types in Pennsylvania.
- Site Assessment (795 KB): Guidance for conducting a longitudinal profile and cross-sectional survey to determine channel slope and other characteristics to guide project design.
- Structure Selection for Stream Crossing (3.4 MB): Guidance and “pros and cons” of various common stream crossing structure types.
- Grade Control (1 MB): Guidance on the use, design, and installation of large rock or other structures that are immobile in the channel and set the slope and form of the stream.
- Streambed Restoration (2.03 MB): Guidance on the re-establishment of streambed material through a new crossing structure and the reconstructed reach of the stream.
Templates, Request for Proposal, Other Editable forms and Attachments
These forms are NOT required, but are provided as templates and will require customization by the end user. Documents provided in word format unless otherwise noted.
- Engineering Request for Proposal (64.5 KB): Request to receive proposals or bids to provide engineering services to the project.
- CD Template Letters:
- Permit Review Consistency (22.7 KB): CD letter saying permit plan is consistent with DGLVR policies.
- Permit Review Deficiency (22.5 KB): CD letter saying permit plan requires revisions to meet DGLVR policies.
- Bidding Review Consistency (22.1 KB): CD letter saying bid advertisement is consistent with DGLVR policies.
- Bidding Review Deficiency (22.3 KB): CD letter saying bid advertisement requires revisions to meet DGLVR policies.
- GP-11 Permit Cover Letter (24.7 KB): Cover letter when applying for GP-11 that references the DGLVR Program and SCC permit memo.
- GP-7 Permit Cover Letter (23.9 KB): Cover letter when applying for GP-7 that references the DGLVR Program.
- Standard Drawings in CAD format: Standard drawing templates for a variety of structures. Provided in CAD format for editing.
Longitudinal Profile Worksheet
- Online Long Pro Tool: The Center has worked with the PSU College of Engineering to develop a more user-friendly online tool for inputting longitudinal profile data and conducting site analysis. If you are interested in gaining access to the “Long Pro Tool” please email Eric Chase ( for your County’s username and pin.
- Longitudinal Profile Excel Workbook (322 KB): This Excel-based geomorphic assessment worksheet allows the entry of longitudinal profile and cross-sectional survey data to facilitate planning and design considerations for stream crossing replacements. (version 7/10/23)
Stream Continuity Flyers
- PAFBC AOP Flyer (953 KB): One page flyer with very broad facts about AOP at road crossings. Provided by PA Fish and Boat Commission.
- DGLVR Stream Continuity Flyer (888 KB): 2-page pamphlet on stream continuity including issues with undersized culverts and considerations for achieving stream continuity.
Additional External Resources
These documents and links are to pertinent resources from external entities. Coming Soon
- USFS Stream Simulation Guidebook (29.5 MB): Comprehensive publication by USFS about stream continuity. Much of the DGLVR and other guidance around the county builds off of this work. Linked from USGS’s US Forest Service website.
- PA Fish and Boat Commission in-stream structure drawings: Some standard drawings for items such as in-stream rock grade controls that can be incorporated directly into project plans.
- Vendor Structure Catalogs: This is not an endorsement of any vendors. These resources can be useful in determining available structure sizes.
- Lane Enterprises Structural Plate Catalog (1.62 MB): Lane Structural Plate Catalog. Linked from Lane Enterprises website.
- Contech Engineered Solutions Structural Plate Catalog (7.84 MB): Contech Structural Plate Catalog. Linked from Contech Engineered Solutions website.
- Contech Engineered Solutions Structures Reference Interactive Guide: Interactive Guide for additional structure information. Linked from Contech Engineered Solutions website.
Educational Resources
Please visit the Stream Crossing Education Page for training schedules and educational materials such as recorded trainings, webinars, etc.