Worksite in Focus

Each brochure focuses on a specific project completed by a program participant. Project details, costs, and directions to the site are included.






  • Pike County – Whittaker Road (299 KB): Two high-water-bypasses were installed to control flood flows on this section of road that is prone to washouts. (2/08)
  • Pike County – German Valley Road (299 KB): A 300 foot long french mattress was used to elevate the road and allow free drainage where the road had previously acted as a dam to natural wetland flow. (2/08)
  • Monroe County – Hell Hollow Road (286 KB): Hell Hollow was the first demonstration worksite completed by the program in 1998. This ten-year retrospective examines the site performance and talks to the local township.(2/08)
  • Carbon County – Spruce Road (511 KB): Analysis of a completed site after 5 year and no maintenance. What worked and what did not?. (2/08)
  • Carbon County – Mauch Chunk Campground (436 KB): Project to rehabilitate roads in lakeside campground. Included French Mattresses, infiltration trenches, and Driving Surface Aggregate. (2/08)



  • Adams – Miltenberger Road (254 KB): 2005 Maintenance Workshop demo of raising a small section of the road and installing shallow crosspipes.(11/05)
  • Tioga County – Fall Brook Road (246 KB): Narrowing of extremely wide roadway, shoulder construction and vegetation, steam stabilization. (3/06)